Saturday, January 3, 2015

How I Spent Boxing Day '14 ☆ Long Bay Coastal Walk

Boxing Day (26th December), a New Zealand version of the Black Friday Sale in America, just that it's less exciting and the sales over here aren't as good as it is in America.

Whether the sales is good or not, I am surprised I spent my Boxing Day elsewhere than the mall! I went to a long, beautiful, all day coastal walk at the Long Bay Regional Parks, lose a bit of weight, I think; but later on gain more cause I ate too much, hehe. ^^

Here are a few pictures I took on the day, so beautiful. ~

1 comment :

  1. Gorgeous shots and sights!! Oh dear, how I miss out on all these aspects of natural beauty here in singapore! I love beaches and I love being out and then having a yummy filling meal to put the cherry on top of the great day!


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