Thursday, January 1, 2015

3 CONCEPT EYES x Pink Lip Color Lipstick Swatches ♥ ft. Celebrity, Momo, XXX, Hala


I hope you all had an amazing summer / winter holiday and I wish you girlies a wonderful 2015 

This is my first post of 2015 and today I want to show you all some lipstick swatches of one of my favourite Korean brands: 3 CONCEPT EYES!

3 CONCEPT EYES is a South Korean cosmetics brand launched by Stylenanda in 2009. I first came across the brand via Singaporean heiress and entrepreneur Arissa Cheo's Instagram, then later on I bought a few of their products to try and instantly fell in love! 3CE's products are not only high quality, their prices are also not crazy expensive, I would say 3CE is a mid-highend brand.

I am not sure when 3 CONCEPT EYES launched their Pink Lip Color collection, I am thinking it's sometimes in 2014?! I already own a few of their normal lipsticks in the black packaging and comparing the pink and the black, there is really not much difference apart from some of its lipstick finish and also the color of the packaging.

Here I have four of the 3 CONCEPT EYES X Pink Lip Color Lipsticks, these are the only ones I currently own from this collection. At the moment I don't have any of these lip swatches, yes I admit, I have been lazy! This holiday has been so good to me, I kind of... don't want to end it! I promise thou, I won't forget about these individual lipstick reviews. ^^ In the meantime, you can scroll down to view arm swatches of these lipsticks.

There are two types of formula in the 3 CONCEPT EYES X Pink Lip Color Lipsticks collection, one is the Original which includes seven shades ranging from nude beige to a wine red; and another one is the Matte, there are only three shades to choose from in the matte range.

The Original 3CE x Pink Lip Color Lipstick is described as a "moisturizing rich color lipstick that stays on lips". High-Coverage Base - optimize adhesion to lips with this base and to create and maintain a long-lasting, glossy lip; Moisture Element That Fights Dryness - The moisturizing element of vegetable butter prevents dryness of lips and care for dry-prone lips.

The Matte 3CE x Pink Lip Color Lipstick is described as a "creamy application of matte lipstick". Primer Matte Texture - aids lipstick to stay on lips, creates fine lines with a single touch of primer without any scrub-off effect, Pigment Infusion System - upgrade the formation of colors with one or two touches and create an even richer effect; Creamy Coating - its creamy coating material and excellent blending ability gradate naturally to complete diverse makeup looks.

3CE x Pink Lip Color [Original] - #608 HALA
Romance warm-tone pink mix with pretty fluorescent light completes a bright and unimaginable natural lip color.

3CE x Pink Lip Color [Original] - #606 XXX
An enchanting vintage red takes you back to the days of looking through your mother's cosmetics.

3CE x Pink Lip Color [Original] - #202 MOMO
A luxurious peach tone sandy beige color showcases a feminine and sophisticated look.

3CE x Pink Lip Color [Matte] - #309 CELEBRITY
The non-glossy finish adds a chic-feel to a sophisticated image made completely with a light and cheerful bright orange color.

3 CONCEPT EYES X Pink Lip Color Swatches L-R: #309 Celebrity, #202 Momo, #606 XXX (oops) & #608 Hala

I haven't worn any of these shades yet, but looking at my arm swatches, I can tell you #606 XXX (oops I always get the number wrong) is my absolute favourite, well for now anyway; XXX is the most pigmented out of the four and it gives the most smooth application! 

3CE x Pink Lip Color Lipstick is available to purchase on the Stylenanda website, USD $20 or if you live in Auckland, these are available at Ippondo Japanese Cosmetics (there's a store in the Atrium on Elliott, CBD and another in the Albany mall), NZD $19.90; it is also available at small Asian beauty boutiques in town such as RONA Makeup, but I am not sure how much they cost! 


  1. celebrity and XXX r gorgeous colors!!

  2. The swatches look really good, I'd love to see what they look like on! xxx Thou Shalt Not Covet

  3. Wow they are quite pigmented, not my kind of shades to wear but I do love how pink the packaging is x

  4. I love pink so Hala is my favorite but that all look pretty amazing (:

  5. Momo & XXX look gorgeous.. and the packaging is super cute too!

  6. Look like lovely lipsticks cute packaging! dont think we can get them in the UK.


  7. What a gorgeous selection of lipsticks! The packaging is so fun and the shades are lush. Hala is one of my faves :D

    Sophia Meola | A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  8. Oh you got to them before I did! I've been lusting after a nude and a deep fuschia pink from their lipstick lines but have been holding off as I'm saving up for a Bali beach holiday! I was sooo keen on ordering momo as it seemed a bit more brownish peach in photos I've seen but seeing it now I'd have to pick another nude as it's too orange peach for me! Thanks for sharing your lovely new lippies!! ^^

    1. Thanks Sharlynn :) I wouldn't recommend Momo as it's actually lighter in real life, it's similar to MAC Creme D'Nude. I haven't tried any other nude lipsticks from 3CE so I can't recommend the right shade :/ sorry! 3CE does have a wide rage of colors so I am sure you will find your perfect shade in their lipstick range, if you do end up picking up any of their products, I can't wait for your review and thoughts!

  9. ive got 3 of 3ce lipsticks. the standard black packaging ones. haven't used them yet :/

    1. Hahah glad I am not the only one who buys lipsticks and not use them! :p

  10. Oh my gosh! They look gorgeous!
    I am a super big fan of 3 Concept Eyes, I am really excited about #309 Celebrity - I have purchased a few "orangey" shades of lipsticks from a few korean brands but they are by no means as pigmented as this! It look s great!
    Can't wait to see if your favourite changes once you start using them!

    1. Thanks Penny! Would definitely let you know my favourite from the range once I get to try them all :) I also am a huge fan of 3CE, their products are so high quality!

  11. These look like beautiful lipsticks! I love the packaging too! I'd be really interested to read a review once you've worn them a few times :) xx

    1. Thanks Sheri, will definitely write up a proper review x

  12. The packaging is adorable and the red one looks so vivid! <3

    Pink Frenzy


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